For immediate release:
Its been awhile since we last updated you on the status of the free release of MechWarrior 4 so we felt the need to assure everyone that the time is nearing. We had hoped to release the free title the last weekend of summer but that unfortunately did not happen due to paperwork.

As previously mentioned, I indicated that there are still a number issues to resolve before the free release. Those issues are resolving thanks to the hard work of many at MekTek. From a development stand point the free release is near ready to go but we are still waiting to resolve some of the legalities associated with such a wide distribution. While we have not provided a set date for the release, we are still on target, and our partners are happy with the progress MekTek has been making.

Our focus on the strongfree/strong release has been revamping our match making service MekMatch in order to accommodate many more users. In addition to the work being conducted on the MechWarrior 4 strongfree/strong release, we are also working on a community software distribution and patching application which we have been alluding to on our forums. This software is known as MekTek X (or simply MTX). X stands for the last decade of service to the MechWarrior community.

MTX was developed out the need for a centralized distribution and patching point for all of MekTek’s software currently being developed and planned to be released including MekPak4 for the free release, Single Player Campaigns from MechWarrior 4: Vengeance and Black Knight, Assault Tech1: BattleTech, and much more. This software has been in development by Studio MekTek since the announcement of the free release and successfully reached beta testing status two weeks ago. MTX is a free desktop product which has been thoroughly tested and will connect you with’s community as well and the rest of our partners.

MTX will be the central point of distribution for the launch of the free release. This application boasts some of the following features:

  • Bootstrap Installations
  • Incremental Delta Auto-Patching
  • Torrent or HTTP Downloading from an exclusive MekTek Tracker
  • Custom Web Browser
  • News Updates from MekTek and Partners
  • Online Help
  • Community Chat Lobbies
  • Network Diagnostic Tools

Stay tuned on and for more information.


16 Responses to MechWarrior free release update and MTX announced

  1. Agent_137 says:

    Awesome, can’t wait! (but i will, somehow, since MTX sounds great)

  2. Meokon says:

    Still can´t wait for this!!
    It will be awesome, gogogogogo!

  3. Jorp says:

    Can’t wait!

  4. llglass says:

    Hello all, I can hardly wait for the release of MW:4. I pulled my old discs out the other day and ran through the scenarios pretty fast. I do have a question concerning the release. Please tell me you will NOT be releasing it on I have been to that site and it is all jacked up. I can’t download anything as a member, but, as a guest? no problem. Does that sound right? NO!! Anyway… Whoever the admin people on that site are need to be aware of that problem. Sorry to post that here, but, I can’t post anything there. If they need to contact me? Thanks for listening to my rant. 🙂

    • Vam says:

      Thanks for your concern. When you register on your need to post on our forums Bot Trap Thread:

      I checked your email on our forums database and you have not posted in the Bot Trap thread so our system does not recognize you as a valid member. Obviously we do not want every spider and bot crawling the internet ripping our downloads/gallery and other content on our site. This practice is suggested by major bulletin board providers so you will likely encounter it on other sites as well.

      Hope this clears up your concerns. We have 1000s of users on MekTek and need to keep the SPAM bots out.

      MekTek Staff

      • llglass says:

        I just tried to post on Mektek’s site and still got denied. It is more than likely that I got banned already. lol. Oh well.

  5. Fulkren says:

    very cool,

    im pulling out my Saitek X52 joystick and throttle and dusting it off. cant wait to be piloting Mech’s again!

  6. TheOne says:

    Good news, everyone! 🙂

  7. Jorp says:

    I only wish that they would give us a solid date!!!

  8. Barabomb1948 says:

    Oh thank you! ThankyouThankyouThankyou!!! ::hugs everyone LOTS!!!:: For all the work, for sticking with it through all the frustrations, for simply everything!

    Seriously, thank you. My MW discs simply stopped working a month ago and I’m suffering MW withdrawal symptoms. ::sighs wistfully::

    I’m looking forward to the release date for sure.

    And did I remember to thank you?

  9. TimberJon says:

    I and all current and ex-Clan Thunder Wolf members (TW_)cannot wait to core out your reactors and gyros once again. Hopefully printable fliers for campuses will be part of the media blitz so that we can spread the word and help swell the ranks..

    Centralized patching and distribution? Great news.

  10. Masteriao says:

    Can’t wait… ever since I played MechCommander 1, six years ago, I’ve wanted to play a game where you are actually in the Mech

  11. coRpSE says:

    Sounds Great, cant wait till its released. My clan has never been part of the Mechwarrior before, we been other games over the years, but 99% of use remember playing Mechwarrior long time ago, so we are looking at this game when its released and also the new Mechwarrior.

  12. Maddox says:

    Please release it 😉 i can wait no more

  13. Carnell says:

    Of all the games I’ve played through the years the MW series is in the top 3 for me. At the time I missed out on the Black Knight release because of a dead PC. By the time I replaced it I couldn’t find the release in stores. I’m amazed to read that it will be a free release for download. Whomever made that decision I can’t thank enough and look forward to future releases in stores!

  14. Paladin says:

    I cant wait for the ‘NEW” Mecharrior game. The graphics look great. I would love to download MW4 as well. Been too long since I played it.